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Why Donate?
Susie made it out of her tragedy alive, but other dogs aren’t so lucky. Unfortunately, Susie is not the only dog who has ever been hurt by someone they love.
Animal cruelty is a problem in North Carolina and across America. We made a difference by passing Susie’s Law, but that only protects animals after violence has been done. The best solution would be to stop animal abuse before it even starts.
In a team effort, Donna and Susie visit schools (from elementary to college), churches, libraries, retirement and medical facilities, as well as various community outings; they attend pet adoption fairs and fundraisers to motivate and educate people surrounding animal cruelty and the need to rescue unwanted animals through adoption. in worst cases, left for dead; and --to save all animals Susie’s Hope is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit
One Person Can Make A Difference
That’s why we need your help. We visit all kinds of organizations in order to talk to both kids and adults about animal abuse, sensitivity to pets and how to care for pets. These organizations range from schools to churches, but one thing they all have in common is that they are usually community groups without the deep pockets of larger organizations. Your contribution will help us keep up this very important work.
Susie’s Hope™ Fund is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.
Your tax-deductible donations help us spread awareness and education about the epidemic that animal cruelty has become to the public.
The Susie’s Hope™ nonprofit organization promotes education and awareness of the care and responsibility required in owning pets as well as animal safety around unfamiliar animals.